2020-07-10 15:37:29

Shafaq News / MPs demanded, on Friday, resuming the parliament sessions to discuss updates on Covid-19 crisis and renewing mobile phone licenses.

A parliamentary source told Shafaq News agency, "Members of the Parliament demanded the presidency of the council of Representatives, resuming the parliament sessions to discuss Covid-19 crisis, renewing mobile phone licenses and the Turkish army's incursion into Iraqi territory".

The source added, "the Presidency did not respond to the requests so far", noting that, "the request to host Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi was submitted to the Council's rapporteur, Muhammad Al-Halbousi".

The council of Representatives Rapporteur, Hoshyar Qardagh, revealed, on June 22, that the parliament would resort to an online platform (VideoConference) to hold the next sessions, after registering several Covid-19 cases among the members of the council.