2014-03-09 07:21:41


The Saudi Interior Ministry has issued a list of “terrorist” organizations, which included al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen, in addition to " Daash " organization in Iraq and Syria as well as Al-Nusrah Front , Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood in Saudi Arabia .

Al-Sheikh said in a statement to “Al-Riyadh Saudi Arabia," briefed by " Shafaq News " , that " everyone must pay attention of this mistake and it is obligatory for all Muslims to urge those people to retreat from their mistakes but don’t sympathize with them ."

He considered the statement of his country's Interior Ministry as " an important thing , which reveals the realities of these terrorist groups and parties which has been pushing people in places that are not worthy for them."

He added , "We are a Muslim nation , we belong to Islam in word and deed but belonging to the groups and parties is not linked to Islam , appealing the citizens of his country to" verify and be accurate in delivering their charity to the beneficiaries of the people”.