2014-02-19 09:53:52

of " Daash “ and restore security and stability to the province in coordination with the security forces .

“We are all supporters of national initiatives to meet the legitimate demands and re- stabilize the security situation in Anbar province,” The member of the bloc , Hamza al-Kartani told “Shafaq News”.

“ Responding to the legitimate demands as availability of job grades , reconstruction of destroyed areas in Anbar , stop the bombing , the withdrawal of troops and bring police forces instead are supposed to meet a national support of all tribes elders of Fallujah to stabilize the security situation and reject any presence of terrorist elements,” he added.

The Prime Minister had earlier vowed not to enter military units within Fallujah city to free it from the elements , " Daash " for fear of the occurrence of civilian casualties .

" Daash " has lost its main strongholds in Anbar province, after receiving strikes over the past two months, starting from the Western desert to Fallujah city, where they had been holed up in as their last stronghold .