2014-03-15 08:02:29

and adversely affect the national unity , calling for the need to address the government's fault that have occurred in several areas .

The city was the scene of heavy fighting between Iraqi security services and armed opposition groups over more than two months that adopt al-Qaeda approach.

Any signs to end the crisis through negotiations conducted by the local administration in the province with clerics and elders of the city have not been revealed .

A member of the bloc , Hamza Al-Kartani told “Shafaq News " , that " in the time that we ask the political blocs to take one position against terrorism , we demand the government to adopt one position against the crisis management in Anbar province ."

“The common position , which must be taken by the government is the peaceful option to the crisis instead of a military option , which drains the human energies of the country and affects the national cohesion ."

He added " the government should negotiate with the people of Fallujah and the people of Anbar, who are the true owners of the legitimate demands in order to prevent the enemy plots that aim to shed Iraqi blood”.

Gunmen, including fighters from the “Islamic State of Iraq and Levant " took control at the beginning of last January on the cities of Fallujah and Ramadi in Anbar province.

Iraqi forces were able since that time to regain control of most of Ramadi city, but Fallujah is still controlled by militants.

Hundreds of civilians were killed amid clashes and rocket bombardment , while thousands have fled to safer places in other provinces of Iraq and Kurdistan Region .