2014-01-31 12:32:06

The U.S. Vice President , Joe Biden renewed in a contact with Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki, as he did with the leaders of Kurdistan Regional Government , the importance of the United States and agreeing on a mutually acceptable path in terms of oil exports from Iraq.
“ Renewing the call by the United States to Baghdad and Kurdistan on the need to resolve oil differences comes as part of its attempt to implement the promises and political treaties made ​​with Baghdad and Erbil in order to stabilize the situation and create more political consensus , “ The member of al- Iraqiya List, Hamid al-Mutlaq told “Shafaq News “.
Al-Mutlaq , said that the political situation is unstable and dominated by personal interests , calling to resolve all disputes in accordance with the constitutional and legal grounds .
A senior delegation from Kurdistan Regional Government headed by Nechirvan Barzani visited earlier this month , Baghdad and held negotiations with the federal government of Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki without finding solutions to critical issues of contention and agreed only to hold a meeting later in Erbil or Baghdad .