2020-02-25 09:38:39

Shafaq News / The local government in Najaf province decided on Tuesday to extend the suspension of official hours in schools and universities for a period of 10 days, on the background of recording the first infection with Corona virus in the province.

 The local government announced in a statement today that the official working hours in schools and universities are suspended for ten days, with gatherings prohibited throughout Najaf and no traveling to and from the province except in extremely important cases.

The Directorate General of Education in Najaf province and under the guidance of the Minister of Education Suha Khalil Al-Ali announced on Monday the suspension of official hours in all schools in the province, in order to preserve the health and safety of educational teaching cadres and students after ensuring that a case of Corona infection was recorded.

On Monday, the Iraqi Ministry of Health and Environment confirmed that the first case of corona virus was recorded in an Iranian religious science student in Najaf.