2020-04-20 10:18:40

Shafaq News / The head of the crisis cell in Najaf, Luay al-Yasiri announced on Monday that one new infection with Corona virus was recorded.

Al-Yasiri said in a statement received by Shafaq News that " the Public Health Laboratory in Najaf carried out tests on 93 samples of suspected cases, including 31 cases within the random survey plan that was conducted yesterday in Maysan neighborhood / in Kufa."

He explained, "It was found through the tests that there is one case carrying the virus for a person from Kufa -a suspect subjected to epidemiological test (outside Maysan neighborhood survey) Thus, the total number of cases recorded in the Najaf province is as follows (284 confirmed cases, 221 recoveries and 5 deaths.

Najaf governor called on all citizens to "abide by the instructions issued by the crisis cell to protect themselves, their families and society from transmission of infection and not to go out and avoid gatherings and commit to public hygiene, including washing hands constantly with soap and water and reviewing the nearest health institution when feeling symptoms of the disease."