2014-01-07 09:21:47

and redeploy security forces without fighting.

"The leaders of the rebel tribal insurgents in Fallujah city have imposed conditions on the local administration in the province that included conducting large-scale changes in managers of the city’s departments as a condition for ending the tension in Fallujah without the need for the military option,” the source told “Shafaq News”.

“Negotiations are underway at the highest levels to contain the current crisis," pointing out that” changes will reach the city’s Mayor,” the source added.

Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki gave the option yesterday to clans of Fallujah either to fight " Daash " or prepare for a security operation carried out by the security forces to regain control of the city after about a week of " Daash " control on it .

The local administration in Anbar province announced that the army did not intervene in any security action inside Fallujahcity.

Anbar provincial council conditioned yesterday to end the crisis in the province through releasing detained MP m Ahmed al-Alwani , form an investigative committee by the parliamentary Security and Defense committee , file a lawsuit against Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior , Adnan al-Asadi for not dismissing former police chief , Hadi Razaij , allocating compensatory amounts and opening police volunteer door to the people of Anbar .