2020-03-08 08:45:19

Shafaq News / A local source in Nineveh said on Sunday that the governorate building had been evacuated after one of the people reviewing the building  was suspected of being infected with Coronavirus.

The informed source told "Shafaq News", that " Nineveh Governorate building was evacuated after suspending the case to the governorate building, as the thermometer  proved that his temperature is 40", noting that "the reviewer fell at the door of Nineveh Governorate building  which raised suspicions of his infection with the virus. "

The source added, "The suspected of being infected with the virus, was transferred to Al-Salam Hospital (Al-Hajar site) to confirm that he was infected or not," noting that "the building is now being sterilized."

It is noteworthy that Nineveh Governorate has not yet recorded any infection with Corona virus, along with Basra, Anbar, Salahuddin, Dohuk, Muthanna, Diwaniyah and Dhi Qar.

The number of deaths due to infection with the virus was 4 throughout Iraq, two in Baghdad and one in both Sulaimaniyah and one in Karbala, while the number of infections across the country reached 57, distributed as follows: 26 Baghdad, 8 Sulaimaniya, 7 Kirkuk, 5 Najaf, 3 Wasit, 2 Diyala, 2 Karbala, 1 Maysan, 1 Babel, 2 Erbil.