2014-01-23 12:11:21

“Nineveh provincial council does not need voting on the request to announce Nineveh region," noting that “more than one-third of the Council signed on the region request ,” the member of the council from Nahetha bloc, Hossam El Din Al -Abbar told “Shafaq News “.

“We have sent a request today to the parliament to vote on it," noting that” all legal procedures have been completed by the signing of one-third of the members of the Council."

Al-Abbar also called on the parliament to “vote on it as soon as possible to end this matter."

The governor of Nineveh, Ethel al-Nujaifi has considered the cabinet’s decision to convert Nineveh to three provinces by making Tal Afar district (west of Nineveh) and Nineveh Plain (east) as two independent provinces, as a proactive step to prevent what he called the formation of a unified region .

Nujafi said in a press statement that the formation of Nineveh province is the only guarantee for the security and unity of Nineveh, adding that resorting to this step will be through constitutional and legal requirements, especially the article on the composition of regions No. 13 of 2008.