2014-02-27 10:06:39

and differences between Erbil and Baghdad .

Kurdistan Region is suffering from lack of financial liquidity because Baghdad has stopped its share of the financial budget of the country which caused delays in paying salaries to employees for the second month in a row .

Kurds say that Baghdad is applying economic blockade policy against them and prevent their money to pressure them to abandon plans to export oil from its fields .

“A delegation from Motahedoun coalition, headed by Parliament Speaker , Osama al-Nujaufi arrived today to Erbil to discuss the situation in the country in general and the problems between Kurdistan and Baghdad,” The decision maker of the parliament and a member of the coalition said in an interview with " Shafaq News”.

The Kurds seek to export its oil directly to the world market via a new pipeline extending to the Turkish port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean, but Baghdad reject it.

The two sides did not reach a consensus in this file in which they have negotiated about for months.