2014-06-10 11:34:59

in fight against insurgents in Mosul, but he also that this is not don’t but by coordination with Baghdad.

Nujaifi said at a press conference attended by “Shafaq News", that “ he phone called the President of the region, Massoud Barzani to discuss what happened in Mosul province from security developments, adding that Barzani expressed his willingness to support the armed forces”.

Nujaifi added that Barzani linked this support to the existence of coordination with the federal government in Baghdad, adding that he (Barzani) has ordered all the institutions of Kurdistan Region to provide support to the displaced people of Nineveh province.

“Daash” militants have taken control of Mosul city last night, which led to the displacement of thousands of families from their areas on their way to the border areas with Kurdistan Regional.

The head of the Regional government, Nechirvan Barzani has ordered to provide the necessary support for the displaced people within the legal framework.

Osama al- Nujaifi said that what is happening in Mosul city is an "invasion" threatens the countries in the Middle East.

 Mosul city ofIraq's second largest city has fall under the control of the armed elements of Daash.