2014-01-27 11:28:30

, while stressing that "not all the people are al-Qaeda”.

Nujaifi said at a news conference attended by " Shafaq News " , that " we asked Washington not to use U.S. weapons against the Iraqi people , and we support the reinforcement to fight against terrorism as al-Qaeda only should be hit “.

He said not all the Iraqi people from al-Qaeda , as " we discussed with Washington in detail the problem of the lack of political balance in Iraq , as democratic system must prevail in the in the country not only militarization”.

He added that Anbar tribes had defeated al-Qaeda for years , as there is cooperation between the tribes and the Iraqi military, but the large number of differences and injustice to the people and not responding to the demands of the demonstrators , led to the government’s decline for its obligations toward the Awakening forces .

Iraq has began its military campaign against al-Qaeda and " Daash " after a senior commander in the army , a group of officers and soldiers were killed by a number of terrorist elements in Anbar.

Iraq has won in its campaign against the armed groups , the support of the governments of nine countries that have a prominent role both in the region and the world as well as the United Nations and the European Union.

The events have evolved after the authorities arrested Sunni MP, Ahmed al-Alwani accused of inciting sectarian violence in the country while his brother was killed in armed clashes erupted with the executing force for their arrest operation in Anbar , followed by lifting the protest tents of anti- government of Nuri al-Maliki.

Battles are still taking place between police forces and tribesmen loyal to the government against the insurgents in Anbar province.

Iraq plans to buy U.S. equipment, especially to fight against "terrorism" , that came in a joint statement issued after talks between U.S. President , Barack Obama and Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki during his recent visit to the United States .