2014-06-11 06:54:01

as promised of an uprising against the armed groups for their inability to meet the needs of the people.

 Nujaifi said in a statement reported for "Shafaq News", that "people of   Mosul must take into account that the ruling is not control, after the first hour of the military conflict ended then the toughest task begins which is giving services that citizens wait for “.

He added that "There is no doubt that the citizen thinks first of dignity, but after that think about electricity, water , health services and fuel, indicating that " he would seek to provide the necessary services for the citizens from the headquarters of our alternative management. "

Nujaifi added that "there are things that citizens demand  from who controls the city now," he said that "those who control the city think that they are able to solve the problem of providing health services to millions of people by opening a health center simply."

He said that those who control the city "does not care about the importance of how to get the electricity that we get from Baghdad , Erbil and Turkey while fuel was a problem that we used to solve partially by communicating with all sides."

Nujaifi said that "it is only a few days , all the people of Mosul will recoil with us to expel the strangers from it," explaining that "Mosul people want authority that can communicate with the world to solve their problems, not a power that want them to go back to the Middle Ages" .

Daash militants have controlled the entire city of Mosul, and started to move towards areas in Salahuddin  and Kirkuk, where they controlled a number of them, but the available information from private sources reported that Daash gunmen have withdrawn from the left side of Mosul city.

The escalating deterioration in Mosul and its outskirts made Commander in Chief of the armed forces of Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki to declare a state of maximum alert, and called on parliament to declare a state of emergency in the country.