2013-12-29 11:03:29

“The news on releasing al-Alwani cannot be confirmed until now ," and wondered " he is detained in Baghdad , how can security sources in Anbar talk about his release,”The spokesman of the bloc , Dhafer al-Ani told “Shafaq News “.

While Anbar provincial council said that the general situation in the province is unstable and the crisis of arresting Ahmed al-Alwaniwill be solve by releasing him.

Alwani belongs to the Sunni-backed Iraqiya bloc and has been a strong critic of Maliki and an influential figure in the protest movement.

The violent arrest of Ahmed al-Alwani is likely to inflame tensions in Sunni-dominated Anbar, where protesters have been demonstrating against what they see as marginalization of their sect by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's Shi'ite-led government.

Tension has escalated among Anbar clans between and the forces of the Iraqi army , after an exchange of fire between the bodyguards of the MP Ahmed al-Alwani that resulted in the death of his brother and three of his bodyguards and Alawani’s arrest.

Meanwhile the clans gave the Iraqi authorities 12 hours to release al-Alwani on Saturday , or engage in a struggle between angry tribesmen and the Iraqi army .