2014-04-23 11:40:55
​​and " violation" to the law and " surrender" to the logic of force that can’t reach a solution , pointing out that there is a demographic change in Baghdad city.

Nujaifi said in a statement on the sidelines of a meeting with the Council of Scholars in Baghdad , published on his page on the social networking site (Facebook ) , briefed by " Shafaq News " , to balance and justice , and not differentiate among citizens on the basis of religion, sect , nationality , noting that all are equal “.

He pointed out that he is not against anyone , and has strong deep and understandings with some political parties that refuse the approach of monopoly and marginalization , adding that he is against lawlessness , against the "crimes of the militias " which infringe on citizens without a deterrent , " as it has the support of some of the security services " .

Nujaifi announced that there is a “demographic change " in Baghdad , calling for a strong partnership that produces joint management .

Nujaifi warned that the country is going towards division without such a partnership , stressing that he doesn’t accept it .

Nujaifi opposes military operations carried out by the army to fight the activities of armed groups in Anbar province and some areas of Diyala and Baghdad belt since more three months , calling to leave insurgents clans , police forces and the people of these areas to end the presence of so-called the Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant " Daash ."