2014-02-15 08:06:13

Nujaifi said in a speech during a meeting with a number of Motahedoun (United) coalition that there were " many mistakes , political exclusionary , militarization of society and the adoption of security context in dealing with the society , not accepting the other opinion , floundering in economic policy all impact the budget submitted by the government in a deficit of 50 trillion dinars. "

The budget bill for the current year is still delayed because of the differences between Kurdistan Regional Government and the federal government on the region's share of the budget and the right to export oil through its territory .

Nujaifi said that " the way to address the situation in Anbar and unilateralism without reference to Parliament or National Opinion represented by blocs and political parties led to confusion and lack of distinction between Daash and al-Qaeda and those who rebelled , demanding the rights of the people of Anbar and clans ," noting , " civilians have been bombed as well as homes and hospitals “.

“Our position was clear from the beginning, we are against terrorism and al-Qaeda against Daash but we distinguish between them and the sons of Anbar who demand their rights ,

Nujaifi added that " there is terrorism and al-Qaeda not only in Anbar , but in Iraq , we are against killing opponents of the government policies under the pretext of terrorism."

As Motahedoun coalition called, the governor of Anbar , Ahmed Khalaf al-Dulaimi to work to stop what he called as indiscriminate bombing on the cities of Fallujah and Anbar .

The coalition said in a statement reported for " Shafaq News " , that “ he declared more than once that “ it is against terrorism and against al-Qaeda and Daash and that the coalition supports the effort to target terrorism but this is a thing and the position from Anbar people’s demands is another thing “.

Motahedoun coalition in the Iraqi parliament boycotted the sessions in protest against the ongoing military operations in Anbar province , the arrest of MP, Ahmed al-Alwani and raising sit -in tents in the province.