2014-02-20 09:10:07

, and stressed on the support of a possible deal between the two sides .

The White House said in a statement briefed by " Shafaq News” that “ Obama phoned Erdogan and addressed a series of bilateral issues and topics as he stressed the importance of the United States’ attention for bilateral relations with Turkey .

The statement added that the two sides addressed the escalating acts of "terrorism " in Syria , and agreed that the common interests between the two countries had to work on them in order to reach a political solution to the war taking place in Syria .

The statement noted that Erdogan and Obama stressed the importance of supporting the agreement to be reached between Baghdad and Erbil and to promote it, in order to find common ground between them in energy issues.

The head of Kurdistan Regional Government, Nechirvan Barzani has received assurances from the Turkish government on its commitment to the agreement of Erbil and Ankara on the export of oil through the new Turkish pipeline during his visit to Ankara, last Saturday, despite opposition from Baghdad.

Barzani had conducted meetings with Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki and other senior officials in his government, last Sunday in which they discussed issues between Erbil and Baghdad over energy , security and the general budget files, without an agreement to end these problems so far , as indicated by official reports issued by the two parties .