2020-04-21 20:48:56

shafaq news/ The Iraqi ministry of health announced on Tuesday that it recorded one death and 28 new cases of corona virus in the country during the past 24 hours.


The ministry stated to shafaaq news that the laboratories recorded 28 cases in Iraq, which are distributed as :
Baghdad / Rusafa : 7 , Baghdad / medical city : 8 , Basra : 11 , Muthana : 2
Also pointed out that the death case was recorded in Baghdad / al-Rusafa , while the recovered cases reached 53 cases , distributed as follows: Baghdad /Al_Rusafa : 3 , Baghdad /Al-karkh : 4 , Najaf : 14 , Al_sulaymaniyah : 3 , Erbil : 9 , Duhok : 3 , Basra : 4 , Wasit : 10 , Babel : 1 , Al_Diwaiyah : 1 , Dhiqar : 1 .
This makes the total of cases 1602 including 83 deaths and 1096 cases of recovery. According to the numbers provided by the ministry of health.