2020-04-27 10:27:33

Shafaq News / Najaf Health Department announced on Monday that the number of deaths and infections of Corona virus have raised up.

“One infection case, one death and one recovery recorded have been recorded in Najaf,” The Director General of Najaf’s Health Department, Ashraf Radwan Al-Kindi said in a brief statement, which was reported to Shafaq News.

As Najaf governorate has not recorded any new cases of the virus during the past two days.

It should be noted the Iraqi Ministry of Health and Environment announced on Sunday, that the Ministry's laboratories recorded (57) infections in Iraq and one death, in addition to 39 recoveries, so that the cases increased to 1820, including 87 deaths, and 1263 cases of recovery after testing (71471) cases since the beginning of recording the disease in Iraq