2014-01-07 10:23:34


“We and our colleagues in the parliamentary committees approved today, the official language law in Iraq,” The Chairman of the parliamentary Culture Media and Committee MP, Ali Shalah with a number of MPs from different nationalities in the parliament said which was attended by " Shafaq News “.

He added that “as you know that Iraq is a civilized country , and we believe that this law is a power and the richness factor for human civilization ."

“The implementation of the law will confirm Iraq's democracy and respect of its components effectively,” he said.

The Iraqi permanent constitution stipulates that the Arabic language and the Kurdish language are the official languages ​​, while ensuring the right of Iraqis of non Kurds and Arabs , to educate their children in their own languages ​​, such as Turkmen , Syriac and Armenian in government educational institutions , and identified five main areas for the use of the official language , Arabic and Kurdish , which is : Official Newspaper , official correspondence , official documents , schools , and any other fields that require the principle of equality such as bank notes , passports and stamps .

The Constitution recognizes that the Turkmen and Syriac languages are official languages ​​in the administrative units that constitute of national population density. And allows each region or province to take a local language as an additional official language if the majority of the population approved so in a general referendum .