2014-04-01 09:46:18
and no discussion on the agenda about the budget bill for the current year , revealing the determination of State of law coalition to submit the budget bill for second reading .

The source told “Shafaq News", that “ the Presidency of the Parliament held a regular session of the last legislative term in the presence of 170 MPs of various parliamentary blocs , pointing that the agenda of the parliament included six laws intended to vote on them .

"The agenda was devoid from the budget law ," pointing out that " State of law coalition will submit the budget bill by voting to submit it to second reading ."

The source added that "the State of Law coalition will withdraw from today's session if voting on the budget has been rejected."

The Parliament postponed on Sunday its session to today for lack of quorum for the number of present members, which was scheduled to discuss the draft budget.

The Iraqi Parliament failed to convene an extraordinary session on Monday to discuss the security situation in Buhriz forcing the parliament speaker , Osama al-Nujaifi to hold a meeting with the governor of Diyala, deputies and members of the security and defense committee to discuss the conditions of the sub-district .