2014-01-26 09:28:01

, attributing this to the wide differences on some of its articles among the political blocs .

Khalidi told “Shafaq News " that “ the parliament will discuss the 2014 budget law on Tuesday in an effort to resolve some of the contentious points and accelerate the approval service to the public interest of the country”.

He explained that the government's budget bill has been sent to parliament without the agreement of the political blocs causing delays in approval during the next few days .

He added that the main points of contention in the budget law is the rejection of Kurds for a lot of articles and their withdrawal from its session as well as the rejection of oil-producing provinces on the petro-dollar stakes .

Khalidi pointed out that the political blocs will continue their discussions and extended meetings to reach a satisfactory agreement about the federal budget law for 2014.

The objections are focused on oil-producing provinces such as Basra , Maysan , Dhi- Qar and Wasit on the budget law Act 2014 in not including the grant of oil-producing provinces for $ 5 per barrel of refined or produced oil and the inclusion of the amount of one dollar instead of it in the general budget .

The oil-producing provinces and their citizens expressed opposition to the government and has threatened many of the measures that could have resorted to in the absence of the government to reconsider the government decision that calculates one dollar for every barrel of produced oil in these provinces.

Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki has acknowledged the entitlement of oil-producing provinces to get five dollars for every barrel of produced oil in its territory , but it has linked the exchange of amounts on the province ability of spending .

Kurdistan Alliance refuses to vote on the budget for 2014 t for not including the benefits of oil companies operating in the region and not including the cumulative benefits of Peshmerga forces that have not been paid by the government for the past seven years, amounting to 7 trillion dinars .