2020-05-07 00:17:49

Shafaq News / The Iraqi parliament (parliament) voted after Wednesday midnight to grant confidence to the ministerial program of Mustafa Al-Kadhimi's government and 15 ministers in the ministerial cabinet.

Shafaq News correspondent reported that the parliament voted on Lieutenant-General , Othman Al-Ghanmi as Minister of Interior, Juma'a Anad as Minister of Defense, Ali Abdel Amir Allawi as Minister of Finance, Khaled Najm Battal as Minister of Planning, Nazlin Muhammad as Minister of Housing, Hassan Muhammad Abbas as Minister of Health, Nabil Kadhim Abdel-Saheb as Minister of Education, and Majid Mahdi Ali as Minister of Electricity, Nasser Hussein Bandar Hamad, Minister of Transport, Adnan Darjal as Minister of Sports and Youth, Manhal Aziz Mahmoud as Minister of Industry, and Adel Hashush as Minister of Labor.

While five candidates did not gain the confidence of Parliament, they are the candidate of the Ministry of Trade ,Nawar Nasif Jassem, candidate of the Ministry of Agriculture , Ismail Abdel-Redha, candidate of the Ministry of Culture , Hisham Saleh Dawood, candidate of the Ministry of Immigration and Displaced , Thana Hikmat Nasser, and candidate of the Ministry of Justice , Abdul Rahman Mustafa .

The parliament has postponed voting on the candidates of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Oil until further notice in the absence of agreement on the nomination of candidates.

Al-Kahdimi and his ministers took the oath before Parliament Speaker ,Mohamed Al-Halbousi then lifted the session for further notice.