2020-04-09 11:51:47

Shafaq News / Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, Bashir Haddad  considered on Thursday that the Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Al-Kathemi has a better chance than the previous commissioners, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, and Adnan Al-Zorfi to obtain his government’s confidence.

"We hope that the conflict in the political process in the country would end, and that the next federal government will be formed," Al-Haddad said in a statement to reporters today in Erbil.

He added, "Al-Kathemi has acceptance from the Shiite, Kurdish and Sunni political parties and forces," adding that "Al-Kathemi has a better chance than the previous commissioners, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, and Adnan Al-Zorfi in the matter of forming the government."

Al-Haddad added that "the former commissioners have not had the support of a part of the Shiite house since the beginning, unlike Al-Kathemi, because there is consensus on him."