2013-12-23 08:59:52


Ahmed al-Alwani is the candidate for the Presidency of the economic Committee when he was an MP of al- Iraqiya List.

Alwani currently belongs to “united coalition “.

The decision maker of the committee, Mahma Khalil told “Shafaq News “, that “the economic and investment committee did not receive any letter from the Presidency concerning the change of the head of the Committee.”

“The change will be the share of al- Iraqiya List for the fact that the committee considers it as a right for it “.

Khelil said that “similar measures to change the Chairman of the Committee are made ​​through voting by its members , and what some of the media said is a violation on the contexts of the Parliament’s work “.

The local media quoted the decision maker of the parliament , Muhammad Al-Khalidi , as saying that “the head of the economic and investment committee will be changed for being absent from the meetings of the Committee for more than eight months “.

“Shafaq News “has contacted Al-Khalidi on the subject , where he expressed surprise from quoting such statement on his behalf without his knowledge .