2014-01-27 08:12:57

, referring to its " effective " role in protecting the northern border of Iraq and it has financial rights like the Iraqi army .

Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki had gave Kurdistan a choice in a press statement on the allocation of Peshmarga budget, either by linking them to the Federal Ministry of Defense or amending the constitution , while waved that the government will be forced to adopt the ratio of ( 1/12 ) in determining the region's share of the general budget in the absence of approval , indicating that it will lead to the creation of a national struggle .

“Peshmarga forces have played an effective role in protecting the northern border of Iraq and carrying out the army missions to impose security in Kurdistan , demanding that its budget must be a part of the Iraqi budget of the army as stipulated in the Constitution,” The Secretary General of the ministry and the spokesman of the General Command of the protection forces of Kurdistan Region , Jabbar al-Yawar told “Shafaq News “.

Al- Yawar added that Iraq is one country, the Constitution gave the right to establish regions , noting that this is what makes the forces exist within all state and federal institutions .

Iraq had relied on Peshmarga forces in Baghdad and elsewhere during the sectarian tensions a few years ago, as Kurdish forces have received praise of the population due to its " neutrality " and " professionalism ."

The coordinated attacks that killed dozens of civilians has became a part of the daily routine in Iraq in recent months.

The main defendant in most of these attacks is the local wing of al- Qaeda , which merged this year with the Syrian wing of the organization and form the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant " Daash ."