2014-03-24 08:31:23

by a member of the presidency’s’ protection and considered linking the Brigade with Peshmarga troops as flagrant ignorance and intentional to deepen the crisis ."


A statement from the Office received by " Shafaq News " , that the office continued with pain some of the reactions that came from the media views and retarded people after the incident”.

He explained that the received comments came as a result of, " previous position that wants to exploit every incident in order to tarnish the image , deepen the crises and incite strife at a critical time and circumstances that require being cautious from all wills pushing for aggravation”.

The statement denied the claim by some that there were efforts in order to smuggle the offender, pointing out that senior officials in the office and the presidential brigade officers worked to secure handing him over to the competent authorities to take the course of justice in the investigation.

The statement said "it is blatant ignorance to link the presidential brigade with Peshmarga, indicating that it is a brigade linked to the Ministry of Defense, the Presidency , the Army Chief of Staff and the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces .

The statement added that soldiers and officers of the brigade are not confined to a specific nation , it has Arabs , Kurds , Turkmen, Christians , Muslims , Sabians and Yazidis , pointing out that most of its elements have been assigned during the recent years from all the provinces and " by professional and accurate standards."

Bedaiwi , a journalist and university professor who runs the Office of American Free Iraq Radio in Baghdad was killed on Saturday in unclear circumstances by a Kurdish officer in the presidential regiment in Jadriya fortified area in Baghdad.