2014-02-02 12:12:35

after the administrative local court overturned the local government that had been formed last June .

The deputy chairman of Diyala Council , Omar al-Kurawi told "Shafaq News " that “ the legal department in the Office of the Presidency of the Republic announced the completion of the legal procedures for the issuance of Presidential Decree by Vice President , Khodair al –Khuzaee to ratify the position of Amer al-Majmaee as governor of Diyala, the successor to the former governor , Omar al-Humairi in which the Administrative Court had cancelled his legitimacy on the second of October of 2013 .

Al-Kurawi confirmed that the new governor Amer al-Majmaee took his powers within the province and considered it as the biggest proof of the legitimacy of the elected local government sessions that were held at the second of last month, which resulted in the election of Muthana al-Tamimi, chairpersons of the Council and Omar al-Kurawi as vice president with while Amer al-Majmaee was elected as a governor in the second session .

The presidency of the Republic refused earlier , the ratification of the appointment of Amer al-Majmaee in governor of Diyala province position because of incomplete records and necessary data to issue a legal Republican decree .

But Majmaee confirmed earlier to “Shafaq News “ that “ all the procedures and shortcomings have been completed to ratify in the governor position and resolve all controversies and controversy provoked by some parties in the province.

Iraqiya Dial bloc refuses to recognize the current formed government in the second of January and formed a third local government last week in Khanaqin in the presence of about 17 members of al- Iraqiya , Al-Ahrar , KurdistanBrotherhood and coexistence blocs.