2020-05-06 13:48:51

Shafaq News / President of the Republic , Barham Ahmed Saleh held a meeting on Wednesday with members of the Kurdish blocs in the Iraqi parliament, and Finance Minister , Fuad Hussein as well as Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) negotiating delegation to Baghdad.

Saleh met with parliamentarians, Fuad Hussein, and KRG delegation headed by Talabani at his home in Baghdad, a source told Shafaq News.

The source added that the meeting discussed the latest developments regarding the passage of the government of Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Al-Kadhimi , the budget share and salaries of Kurdistan Region.

The statement indicated that the nominal salary will be spent only for the special grades of the general , higher general managers , heads of executive units in the governorate , the administration managers and directors of district, as the Ministry of Finance and Economy must, within a period of 30 days and the framework of the reform law, resolve their career fate.