2020-06-18 15:04:59

Shafaq News / A governmental source revealed, on Thursday, that pressures are exerted by influential figures and parties to reopen "Soomar" border crossing between Mandali district, 100 km east of Baquba, east of Diyala and Iran.

The source who preferred to remain anonymous, told Shafaq News agency that, "influential political parties are putting pressure on the Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, to reopen Mandali border crossing with Iran to exchange goods and compensate for losses incurred by companies and government authorities controlling import, export and commercial exchange".

"Beneficiaries involved in smuggling and importing various goods far from quality control are striving to reopen the port after it was closed more than 3 months ago", the source who preferred to stay anonymous, added.

The Iraqi government closed all border crossings with Iran and neighboring countries in March due to the outbreak of Covid-19.

It is noteworthy that "Soomar" was closed during Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s, after Mandali turned into a stage of military operations, air and missile strikes between the two sides, along with the remnants and mines that spread at the border areas between Iran and Iraq.