2020-05-18 11:34:03

Shafaq News / A security source and eyewitnesses said on Monday that security forces stormed the tents of protesters in front of an oil field in Wasit Governorate, southern Iraq.

The security forces set fire to the tents of the protesters and arrested a number of them in front of Al-Ahdab field in Wasit Governorate,” The source and witnesses told Shafaq News Agency.

The management of Ahdab oil field, west of Kut, in Wasit Governorate, an investor from a Chinese company, announced earlier that the production of liquid gas from the field had stopped due to the arrival of the demonstrators and the closure of the road leading to the field.

On Thursday, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi met representatives of the protesters and activists in Wasit Governorate.

The media office of Al-Kadhimi stated that "the government delegation met in a tent for the protesters on the road leading to Ahdab oil field, and the demands of the protesters were heard," noting that "the government delegation pledged to transfer the demands to the Prime Minister."