2013-12-24 10:00:58

“The delegation of PUK included Vice Secretary General , Barham Saleh , Imad Ahmed , Hakem Qader , Hama Jan , Najm al-Din Karim and Adnan al-Mufti , while KDP delegation included each of the Vice-President of the party , Nechirvan Barzani , Ros Nuri Shaways , Hoshyar Zebari, Azad Barwari , Mahmoud Mohamed and DilshadShehab,” the source told “Shafaq News”.

The negotiator delegation of KDP had visited Sulaymaniyah in 18 of last November and met with the delegation at the headquarters of PUK to conduct political negotiation over the formation of the next government, headed by candidate, Nechirvan Barzani .

It is hoped that the two sides will hold a press conference after the meeting to recite a joint statement on the outcome of the talks.

The parliamentary elections that took place last September has resulted in KDP getting the first rank by winning 38 seats, while Change came in the second rank by getting with 24 seats, followed by PUK with 18 seats and the Islamic Union with 10 seats .

The parliament consists of 111 seats Kurdistan; 100 of them are general while 11 have been granted in accordance with the quota system to national and religious components in the region.