2014-05-04 10:18:19
on a set of controversial laws in the region, including the organizing demonstrations Law.

“PUK demands to return the laws to parliament to make amendments to it , including the constitution draft of Kurdistan Region and organizing demonstrations law,” The MP of the Bloc , Talar Latif said at a news conference at the parliament building attended by " Shafaq News “.

Widespread controversy raised among various forces and political blocs in Kurdistan before the parliamentary elections in the region that took place 25 of last September on the issue of re- draft the constitution to parliament or submit it to a popular referendum .

26 Kurdish parties gave their feedback and suggestions to the President of Kurdistan Region on the draft constitution of the region .

The Kurdish parties reject the terms contained in the draft constitution and demanded returning it to the parliament in order to make changes to it , especially to change the system of government from presidential to parliamentary order in line with the prevailing regime in Iraq and the election of the president of the region within the parliament .

Change Kurdish movement was of the first demanders to return the draft   to the parliament before being joined by Patriotic Union of Kurdistan , which had not yet reached an understanding with Kurdistan Democratic Party on the formation of anticipated Kurdistan government.

The constitutional draft has finished the legal steps to be submitted to a referendum.

PUK which has 18 out of 111 seats in Parliament demanded also to " submit the bill of establishing the Kurdistan oil company to extract oil and gas with the bill of honoring the Peshmerga ."

It also demanded according to its deputy, Izzat Saber to make amendments to the Investment Law.

Saber said at the conference , "according to the amendments that we propose , the law was amended to provide tens of thousands of job opportunities for youth in Kurdistan , as we also demand for amendments on the loans Act to citizens."