2020-05-03 12:44:54

Shafaq News / 8 new infections with Corona virus and 9 cases of recovery from the virus have been reported, Basra Governorate Health Department announced on Sunday.

"5 cases were diagnosed as a result of effective epidemiological monitoring and they were in contact with confirmed cases, in addition to 3 cases that reviewed the hospital,” A statement of Basra Health reported to Shafaq News.

"The cases that were similar to the new recovery 13 cases while no deaths were recorded."

"Bringing the number of cases in Basra to 476 infections, including 17 deaths, 223 recoveries, 236 under treatment,” The statement added.

"The number of PCR tests for suspected cases in the Public Health Laboratory in Basra was 98", explaining that "the number of tests sent to the Medical City Laboratory in Baghdad reached 220, as the total laboratory tests reached 318, and the number of PCR tests for cumulative suspected cases reached 7685 , While the number of laboratory tests whose results did not appear from Baghdad until now reached 263 ".