2013-12-23 06:17:57

days , while charged the United States of supporting the so-called organization " Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham " , " Daash ."

“What happened against some of the leaders of the army , and its personnel is because of poor intelligence work and breaching this system ,” calling on “ the government to take a serious stand to address this breach , saying that "the Iraqi army belongs to Iraq and not the party in power, or the authority of the party,” Sader said in a statement received by " Shafaq News “.

He expressed his support for the security forces to " continue to defend the land of Iraq and its unity without sectarianism, ethnic and partisan conflicts”.

Al-Sader said he had heard of the threat of " Daash , the U.S. terrorist organization to take over Kirkuk ," expressing his readiness to defended Kirkuk if the government was weak “.