2020-04-18 12:23:39

Shafaq News / "Towards Reform" alliance, which is supported by the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr expressed on Saturday, his objection  to the selection of the Prime Minister as a "settlement", saying that the political blocs mandated Mustafa al-Kathemi to enter a dilemma.

"The current prime minister-designate, Mustafa Al-Kathemi, is not a candidate for political blocs, but rather a settlement candidate, and political blocs are trying to find a way out of the impasse of choosing a new prime minister, instead of resigning Adel Abdul Mahdi," said coalition deputy Riyadh Al-Masoudi to Shafaq News.

Al-Masoudi said, "The Sadrist movement always affirms that it is not with choosing a settlement prime minister but with selecting a strong prime minister, who chooses his cabinet. As for the political blocs, they want a prime minister with a political consensus, so that they enter into the impasse of quotas and the rights of components for its interests, not the component’s interest.

Al-Fateh Parliamentary Bloc announced on Saturday, that the names of the cabinet of the government of designate Mustafa Al-Kathimi will be audited in two entities before being sent to the parliament.

The bloc's deputy, Mukhtar Al-Moussawi confirmed to Shafaq News, "The continuation of political negotiations towards forming the next government," explaining that "the largest bloc in the parliament gave all freedom to the prime minister-designate to choose the cabinet, according to a mechanism that he deems appropriate to form the next government."

Leaks revealed that the main political blocs in Iraq reached a final agreement with Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Al-Kathemi to form the next transitional government.

According to the leaks that reached Shafaq News, the government of Mustafa Al-Kathemi consists of 22 ministries, and the candidates for these ministries are politicians and independents.

The leaks indicate that the Sunni component will get 6 ministries (including higher education instead of education) with the following distribution: the Alliance of Forces led by Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi will get four ministries, the National Council headed by Iyad Allawi will get a ministry, and the Arab project led by Khamis al-Khanjar will get a ministry.

While the Kurds and minorities, they will receive five ministries, namely: two of them for Kurdistan Democratic Party, which is the Ministry of Finance and Electricity, and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan will get a ministry, and Christians will have a ministry, and the Turkmen will have a ministry as well.