2020-02-08 07:46:35

Shafaq News / A Close source to the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr revealed on Saturday that the latter is "resentful" of the meetings of Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi with activists and demonstrators.

The New Arab website quoted the source as saying that "Al-Sadr is considering withdrawing his support for Allawi, a few days after announcing his support, and this is due to Allawi meeting with a number of Iraqi demonstrators and activists in violation of Al-Sadr's recent moves."

"Allawi is moving quickly with a special team, the majority of whom are close to him and three Iraqi university professors, one of whom is a researcher at a British studies center on Middle East affairs to hold meetings with a number of demonstrators and activists, who are influential in the popular protests in order to be part of the new government formation process. "

According to the same source close to the current leader, "Al-Sadr has been very unhappy since last Thursday evening with Allawi's meetings with activists and demonstrators, and their participation in the talks to form the new government, and inform them of the progress of the discussions in the selection of ministers for the government cabinat.”

He pointed out that "Al-Sadr presents himself as a political representative of the protests so far, and supported Allawi as a representative of the protest arenas, and considered that he had exceeded in his meeting with demonstrators and activists, without any coordination with Al-Sadr or who represents Al-Sadr on the political side."

He added, "Withdrawing Sadr's support for the Prime Minister-designate means that Allawi is unable to obtain the confidence of the House of Representatives because of what Sadr have of a parliamentary weight, especially with political opposition to Allawi from multiple parties, such as Nouri al-Maliki and Haider al-Abadi blocs so withdrawing support means ending Allawi’s assignment . "