2020-05-13 10:53:39

Shafaq News / Salahuddin province began on Wednesday, to deploy additional security reinforcements with Baghdad, Diyala and Anbar provinces to prevent terrorist attacks and secure areas thereof.

"An agreement was concluded between the tribal leaders of southern Salahuddin ," Dujail, Yathrib, al-Hatimiya, Bani Jamil, and Khames Tawer”, as the leadership of Samarra Operations will deploy additional joint forces while strengthening them with thermal cameras and focusing on the security and intelligence effort for areas open with a number of provinces, Baghdad, Diyala and Anbar,” The MP of Salahuddin , Muhammad Karim al-Baldawi told Shafaq News Agency.

" Salahuddin elders called on the concerned authorities to support the security file for Samarra city and to protect its surroundings from any possible terrorist threats, as it is a sacred religious site that cannot be violated."

Officials in Salahuddin have issued urgent warnings and appeals through Shafaq News Agency to the security authorities of the dangers of the security situation in several areas of the governorate on the background of recent attacks in the areas of Makishifya sub-district and the outskirts of Balad district, south of Salahuddin, which left a number of dead and wounded.