2013-12-22 10:31:57

The local administration in Salahuddin revealed last week , al -Qaeda plot to turn to the capital of the province to " Daash " and called on Baghdad to act before it is too late .

“We noted with senior security leaders represented by the Ministry of Defense and interior, the security problem in the whole province of Salahuddin , as we agreed on a proposal and was submitted to the general commander of the armed forces,” The member of the security committee in the Council , Khalid al-Jassam told “Shafaq News”.

“Until now, we are waiting for the approval of al-Maliki on the proposal to unite the security leaders in Salahuddin under the leadership of a unified security entitled as Samarra Operations Command.

“The security problem in Salahuddin is diagnosed for us as plurality of security leaders have contributed in widening the violence,” he added.

The organization has launched quality operations during the past few days targeting security and municipal councils northern and in the center of Tikrit that left dead and wounded , including security elements .