2013-12-21 10:19:58


News say that it is likely for the delegation to be headed by the President of Kurdistan Regional Government, Nechirvan Barzani .

The member of the parliamentary Finance Committee, Najeebeh Najib told "Shafaq News", that "This is not the first time that Baghdad witness the visit of delegations from Kurdistan to discuss problems or agreements," afterthought” but not implemented ."

She called for dialogue and to reach a compromise between the government and the Region and to be serious in the implementation of what is resulted from these visits.

About ten days are left before the New Year, but the financial budget is still on the table and waiting for the Council of Ministers approval and to be sent to Parliament to be discussed and them passed.

The decision maker of the parliament, Mohammed al-Khalidi said at a news conference three days ago that it is likely to delay the parliamentary elections because of the late arrival of the budget from the government to parliament.

Khalidi said that the parliament cannot end its current period unless approving the budget.

Usually the parliament takes months to discuss the financial budget and approve it due to being relied on consensus to pass it and differences among the political blocs on its terms.

Preliminary estimates indicate that the budget exceed 150 billion dollars, the largest in the history of Iraq.

There are old problems between Baghdad and Erbil on disputed areas and the management of oil wealth as well as the budget of the Regions’ Guards “Peshmerga " and others.