2020-06-08 13:50:00
Shafaq News / Shafaq News Agency has received on Saturday, an initial draft of a law to reduce the salaries of special grade employees in government institutions.
The draft is currently being discussed by the Budget Committee of the Ministry of Finance, the address Financial Crisis Committee in the Council of Ministers, and the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Informed parliamentary sources told Shafaq News Agency.
The draft law states that deductions are from special grade allocations only and formal institutions with high allocations exclusively.
The preparation of the draft comes on the orders of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, who decided to reduce the salaries of presidencies and special grade employees as part of the government's measures to tackle the stifling financial crisis caused by low oil prices due to Covid-19 pandemic.
According to the draft obtained by Shafaq News, the cuts will be as follows:
1. The assistant general manager is treated according to the institution to
which he/she belongs.
a. The general manager in the institutions not related to the three presidencies .. The allocations for his position to be reduced (750) seven hundred and fifty thousand dinars by 80%.
b. The general manager in the three presidencies .. The allocations for the position amounting to 1,500 one million and five hundred thousand dinars will be reduced by 80%.
a. The undersecretary in the institutions not associated with the three presidencies .. The position allocations of (1,500) one million and five hundred thousand dinars to be reduced by 80%.
b. The rank of Deputy Minister in the three presidencies .. The allocations for the position amounting to (2,500) two million five hundred thousand dinars to be reduced by 80%.
a. The rank of a minister in institutions not affiliated with a ministry ... The position allocations of (5,600) five million six hundred thousand dinars will be reduced by 80%.
b. The rank of a minister in the three presidencies.. The position allocations of (7,100) seven million and one hundred thousand dinars will be reduced by 80%.
With regard to institutions with high salaries ...
a. Allocations of the administrative affiliates of the Ministry of Oil (fixed) .. reduced by 40%.
b. Allocations of Technical Associates of the Ministry of Oil (fixed) .. reduced
by 35%.
6. Allocations of employees of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (university professors) of 200% ... to reduced by 100%.
a. Allocations of the administrative affiliates of the Ministry of Electricity (fixed) .. to be reduced by 30%.
b. Allocations of technical associates of the Ministry of Electricity (fixed) .. to be reduced by 25%.
8. Allocations for employees of the Accountability and Justice Commission to be reduced by 35%.
9. Allocations of employees of the three presidencies:
a. Parliament employees .. to be reduced by 30%.
b. Staff of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers ... to be reduced by 30%.
c. Prime Minister's staff .. to be reduced by 35%.
d.Republic Presidency staff .. to be reduced by 35%.
10. The allocations of the Supreme Judicial Council and the Federal Court (Judges) .. to be reduced by 35%.
11. Allocations for employees of the Accountability and Justice Commission.. to be reduced by 35%.
12. Beneficiaries of Rafha law will be treated as the martyrs and political prisoners. The beneficiary family will receive one salary instead of covering all family members.. In the event of the death of the beneficiary, the martyrs law is applied in terms of benefiting the heirs (the law needs to be amended by the legislature after a request from before Council of Ministers).
13. The salaries of the dissolved entities to be reduced by 30%.