2014-04-06 12:09:59
endorsement of a decision of the publishing and media court, which condemned the MP of Kurdistan Alliance , Farhad al-Atroshi .

The office said in a statement reported for " Shafaq News ", that "The Federal Cassation Court ratified today the decision of the publishing and media Court, which has condemned the MP , Farhad al-Atroshi and compelled him with compensation for defamation and abuse made ​​by him against the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy , Hussein al- Shahristani ."

The office confirmed that "the office won a case against MP , Atroshi because his accusations were false by the court."

Shahristani’s office has commissioned in May 2012 its legal counsel to file a lawsuit against Atroshi for accusing Baghdad of smuggling oil to Israel via the Jordanian territory .

The member of the parliamentary oil and energy Commission of Kurdistan Alliance , Farhad al-Atroshi has accused officials in the federal government of smuggling 150 thousand barrels of oil per day to Israel via Jordan .

Atroshi’s accusations came in response to accusations by Deputy Prime Minister, Hussein al-Shahristani on the existence of cases of smuggling oil through Kurdistan region .