2020-02-20 13:35:42

Shafaq News / The member of Kurdistan Democratic Party revealed on Thursday the position of the Kurdish forces on passing the government of Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi.

Imad Bajlan said in a special statement to Shafaq News that "the Kurdish forces have not yet decided whether or not to vote for the prime minister-designate, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi."

Bajlan added that "dialogues and negotiations are underway in this regard and they have not been finalized."

He pointed out that "Allawi, came in a Shiite - Shiite political deal between the two Al-Fateh coalitions and others, and he wants to form a ministerial cabinet, according to his mood."

He added by saying, "The new cabinet contains the Kurdish ministers without a doubt, as this is an issue of components that cannot be canceled, but the first of our conditions for the Kurdish ministers to pass or nominate them must be through institutions of Kurdistan Region exclusively."

A Kurdish delegation consisting of various political forces headed by the leader of Kurdistan Democratic Party is holding talks in Baghdad on Allawi’s government.

The Kurds, as well as the Sunnis are demanding the preservation of the principle of consensus in forming the government and the fair involvement of the components therein, which indicates fears of Shiites taking control of the government.

Allawi had announced on Wednesday, that he had completed the cabinet, which he said consists of competent independent ministers, calling on Parliament to hold a session next Monday to give it confidence.