2019-12-04 10:02:08

Shafaq News/ Consultations continue in Baghdad in search of an alternative to replace the outgoing Prime Minister ,Adel Abdul Mahdi the efforts of allies in Tehran and Beirut to persuade the Shiite and Sunni political forces to walk with one of the candidates still continue, while demonstrations call for an end to the sectarian quotas system in the distribution of positions condemning the Iranian interference in the affairs of the country.

Consultations are intensifying in Baghdad to find an alternative to the resigning Iraqi Prime Minister ,Adel Abdul Mahdi after the efforts of Tehran and Beirut to persuade the Shiite and Sunni political forces to walk with one of the candidates, despite the fact that most of the Iraqi demonstrator condemns the Iranian control of the rule and calls the neighboring country to stop from interfering in any future power .

"AFP" news agency quoted a political source close to the decision-making circles in the Iraqi capital as saying that the commander of Quds Force in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Qassem Soleimani "is in Baghdad to push for the nomination of one of the figures to succeed Abdul Mahdi." The same source pointed out that "the official file of Iraq in the Lebanese Hezbollah, Sheikh Mohammed al-Kawtherani, also plays a major role in the issue of persuading the political forces of Shiites and Sunnis in this direction."