2014-03-20 08:28:41
of a number of crises , in preparation for the elections scheduled to take place at the end of next month .

His contacts with Iraqi officials coincide with unremitting efforts made ​​by the U.S. administration envoy , Brett Mcguirk for the same purpose .

The Iraqi political circles recognize that the level of the crises in Iraq , especially Anbar crisis , the disintegration of the Shiite alliance , the issue of the budget and the export of Kurdish oil have reached stages that require external intervention to solve them.

Al-Hayat Newspaper said in a report seen by " Shafaq News " , that “high political sources said that Soleimani is in Baghdad since last Monday in a secret visit and held a series of meetings with senior political Sunnis and Shiites leaders, without naming them “.

It explained that Soleimani’s task is “ discussing the settlement of Anbar issue, the conflict over the budget with the Kurds , Shiite - Shiite disagreement rising ahead of elections which will take place on 30 of next April."

The newspaper , quoted sources that Suleimani expressed his country's concern about the escalation of tensions between the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the cleric Moqtada al -Sadr and the leader of the Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim , but did not mention supporting al-Maliki for a third term .

The newspaper explained that Soleimani’s negotiations in Baghdad will talk about U.S. proposed settlement to Anbar crisis that stipulates to withdrew army from cities to camps and form a tribal force and restructure the administrative organization and security in the province, and to meet the demands of Sunnis, including a general amnesty .

Soleimani 's visit coincides with meetings conducted by U.S. Deputy Secretary of State for Iraq , Brett Mcguirk with Iraqi leaders to discuss the terms of the settlement and the demand to hold elections on time , and to postpone discussing the dispute over the export of Kurdish oil through Turkey .

Mcguirk enjoys the confidence of Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki . As Baghdad has asked him previously to send him to discuss U.S. accusations to the government of allow the Iranian weapons to cross into Syria .

The sources did not confirm or deny that a meeting took place between Soleimani and Mcguirk , but said that " their presence at one time and one goal in Baghdad refers to American - Iranian efforts to arrange the elections."