2014-05-24 10:51:41
opposed to the third term of Maliki for Kurdistan oil export.

Qassim al-Araji, a member of the Coalition told “Shafaq News", that "It's surprising that the rejecting blocs and political parties for Maliki's third presidential term did not announce any position from the start of the   Kurdistan regarding export of oil and sell it without the consent of the federal government ."

Araji said that " oil export of Kurdistan is unlike the positions of the religious Marjiyaa , which confirmed that the oil belongs to the Iraqi people”.

The Iraqi authorities announced legal measures against Turkey after Ankara's announcement to begin exporting oil from Kurdistan region to global markets.

Kurdistan Regional Government began Thursday exporting crude oil through the Turkish port of Ceyhan to the world markets.

Turkish Energy Minister , Taner Yildiz said that " the first shipment of crude oil from Kurdistan Region of one million barrels are being loaded in the port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean ."

Yildiz pointed out that "the quantity of oil stored in Ceyhan Kurdistan reached up to 2.0005 million barrels.”

Ankara’s government said earlier that it is stored Kurdistan oil exports in the port of Ceyhan until the settlement of the dispute between Baghdad and Erbil.

Iraqi Ministry of Oil warned, on Wednesday from the export of oil without the knowledge of the federal government , saying that it will start its investigation in order to stand on the fact of repeated information on exporting oil.