2013-12-28 11:05:55

have became a place for implementing of foreign agenda that want to ignite what he called as " a sectarian war in Iraq”.

“It was imperative for the government to take a firm stance on what is happening in the squares , which discovered that they have became a place to ignite a sectarian war in Iraq ,” Mulla told “Shafaq News”.

"The government has been wise and leadership of the protest has passed its limits and all the red lines and made it a ​​fertile ground for the presence of gangs of al-Qaeda and Daash Therefore, the removal of these squares is a national and legitimate duty after that it has been proven that it is issuing sectarian discourse and recruit terrorists,” he added.

The group called " Prime Minister General Commander of the Armed Forces not to retreat from cleaning the provinces that includes al-Qaeda , the militias and factions of terrorism and crime as our brave army must chase them wherever they are “.

Maliki has warned those who are present in the sit in squares in Anbar province on Friday that is the last prayer to be held in the arena after that everything will be burned .