2014-05-27 10:29:20
, which he described as Kurdish, indicating that the Kurds win eight seats in it which is a proof that they make up most of the population .

In a statement to Tayfur , reported for " Shafaq News " , marking the end of the parliamentary elections and the announcement of the results as Kurds have won eight seats in the next parliament versus two seats for Arabs and two for Turkmen which is a good evidence that most of the population of the province are Kurdish .

He noted that the victory of the Kurdish component in this democratic process is a message to those who doubt that Kirkuk is Kurdish , demanding that the United Nations and international organizations for an official recognition of the population and the geographical reality and work for the return of Kirkuk to Kurdistan .

He added that this is a historic entitlement to become the fifth province within the provinces of the region and the return of the rights to the rightful owners of the Kurds and Turkmen who have been affected by the demographic change policies and forcing people to became Arabs followed by the former regime in the Kurdish areas .

Tayfur pointed out that it is possible to address the security problems in the province if managing it has been linked to the government of Kurdistan Region .

Tayfur confirmed that Kirkuk is an Iraqi city that will keep its Kurdish identity and a model of peaceful coexistence of all components of Kurds , Turkmen , Arabs , Chaldeans , Syriacs and Assyrians , stressing that the rights will be preserved for all to live in safety and peace .

Kirkuk province is of the disputed areas between Erbil and Baghdad, and of a mixed population of Kurds , Turkmen and Arabs , it is included with Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution , which identified a mechanism for settling the conflict in it through the normalization of their positions , conducting census and final referendum of its people to give them a choice between joining Kurdistan Region or remaining under the authority of the federal government in Baghdad .