2014-02-19 07:26:57

with Iran's ambassador to Baghdad, Hassan Danaii Far and his accompanying delegation to discuss a number of political , economic and security files.

According to a government statement reported for " Shafaq News " , the region's president , Massoud Barzani received (yesterday ) Tuesday in Salahuddin resort, Iran's ambassador to Iraq, Hassan Dnaii Far and his accompanying delegation , in the presence of Secretary of Kurdistan Democratic Party , Fadhil Mirani and President of the Presidium of Kurdistan Region , Fouad Hussein.

The statement said that the meeting discussed the bilateral relations between Kurdistan Region and Iran , pointing out that the views of the two sides were " close ."

He added that the two sides discussed the political and security situation in Iraq and its repercussions on Kurdistan and Iraq's neighboring countries.

KRG said in a statement received by “Shafaq News”, that “ Prime Minister , Nechirvan Barzani received (yesterday ) Tuesday , Iran's ambassador to Iraq, Hassan Dnaii Far .

The statement said that during the meeting, the two sides discussed bilateral relations and ways of enhancing them , especially in trade and economic fields as well investment by Iranian investors in Kurdistan .

The statement added that the two sides addressed, the current political situation in Iraq and the latest developments in security and military in Anbar province as well as a number of other areas of Iraq and the situation in the region in general .

The meeting , according to the statement , discussed the current talks between Erbil and Baghdad in order to address the problems between ( Erbil and Baghdad ) , and efforts to form a new government in Kurdistan Region

The statement noted that Danaii expressed his country's support for the ongoing talks between Erbil and Baghdad and ways to address the problems between KRG expressing hope that the two sides through dialogue and understanding would reach a solution parties in the interest of all Iraqis .